0521 129 1382 mail@carloandreaoddi.it


How can I be of assistance?


It all boils down to the basics: to produce value, providing an original perspective on the client’s needs, within the boundaries of budget, schedule and market.

Graphic design

No matter what the media are, all communication elements must convey the creative idea and focus the viewer’s attention on the communication goal: hence the need for as skilled a designer as they go.

Art direction / Communication management

Most medium-sized companies lack a communication manager and need to outsource the profile. Experience and sobriety play a major role in choosing a candidate.

Illustration / creative content

Hand-drawn sketches are not the opposite of technology: they are the easiest and cheapest way to convey a creative message, to the public or simply to one’s teammates. Freehand in a hi-tech context is often a very eye-catching solution.


Some of the latest works I can take credit for (Jan 2023).


I was born in Rome in 1970. I graduated in Economics at LUISS University in Rome, then moved to Parma, where I’ve lived since.

I debuted in 1997 as freelance illustrator and became graphic designer by learning on the job. I co-founded an advertising agency in 2001 and a design studio in 2018, before going back to freelancing in 2022.

As partner, I covered many different roles, depending on the client and the specific account: I worked as designer, web developer, illustrator, video editor, production manager, art director, account, strategist and content creator.

Being my clients’ list equally varied, as for size and business, I acquired the capacity to assume the clients’ perspective, quickly and thoroughly identifying their needs, thus establishing long-term collaborations.


Mobile +39 349 6901 855 (WA)
